Intro to Meditation: Self-Care for Caregivers (6-week online course)
This course is designed for anyone who spends time during their busy life providing care to others, and who would like to find stillness through a meditation practice at home. My goal is to make meditation as accessible as possible and give you tools to stay calm and focused during the ups & downs of life.
In this course, we will:
Learn about the chemicals that make the brain happy: dopamine, endorphin, oxytocin, and serotonin, and discuss how they relate to the ups & downs of life
Discuss the benefits of meditation, including meditation’s effect on the “happy” brain chemicals listed above and the Default Mode Network
Learn how to stretch and use props to make sitting in meditation comfortable
Experience restorative yoga, breathing techniques, and a variety of meditations that are appropriate for those who are beginning to meditate or trying to establish a more consistent practice
Create an individualized plan to help you begin – and stick with – a home meditation practice
You will receive:
A guided yoga sequence to prepare your body for meditation
Four breathing techniques:
o Full Complete Breath
o 1:2 Breath
o Sitali/Sitkari Breath
o Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
Guided Relaxation & Meditation Techniques:
o Body Scan
o Compassion Meditation
o Emotional Resilience Meditation
o Five Finger Relaxation Technique
o Future Self
o Inner Smile
o Loving Kindness
o Meditation to Relax Your Body & Mind
o Positive Affirmations for a Happy Day
o Yoga Nidra
Lots of information on meditation and the “happy” brain chemicals: dopamine, endorphin, serotonin, and oxytocin
Weekly practices designed to help you reduce stress and stay calm
Tools to help you keep your home meditation practice going
What to Expect:
This course is designed to be as stress-free and easy-to-maintain as possible.
All classes will be virtual, and self-directed. The week’s intro video, reading passages, and practice meditations will all be delivered by email on Mondays.
You’ll be expected to complete the week’s reading (estimated about 15-20 minutes or less), practice meditations daily (15 minutes per day), and complete additional homework (10 minutes) by the end of the week.
You will have access to all resources and meditations through Podia (using a password) and you can reach out to me any time via email at
While there is “homework” for this course, you will not be graded on it or required to submit it at all. The only one who can judge how you’re doing in this course is yourself, and as long as you’re putting in effort, I’m happy!
This course is designed for anyone who spends time during their busy life providing care to others, and who would like to find stillness through a meditation practice at home. My goal is to make meditation as accessible as possible and give you tools to stay calm and focused during the ups & downs of life.
In this course, we will:
Learn about the chemicals that make the brain happy: dopamine, endorphin, oxytocin, and serotonin, and discuss how they relate to the ups & downs of life
Discuss the benefits of meditation, including meditation’s effect on the “happy” brain chemicals listed above and the Default Mode Network
Learn how to stretch and use props to make sitting in meditation comfortable
Experience restorative yoga, breathing techniques, and a variety of meditations that are appropriate for those who are beginning to meditate or trying to establish a more consistent practice
Create an individualized plan to help you begin – and stick with – a home meditation practice
You will receive:
A guided yoga sequence to prepare your body for meditation
Four breathing techniques:
o Full Complete Breath
o 1:2 Breath
o Sitali/Sitkari Breath
o Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
Guided Relaxation & Meditation Techniques:
o Body Scan
o Compassion Meditation
o Emotional Resilience Meditation
o Five Finger Relaxation Technique
o Future Self
o Inner Smile
o Loving Kindness
o Meditation to Relax Your Body & Mind
o Positive Affirmations for a Happy Day
o Yoga Nidra
Lots of information on meditation and the “happy” brain chemicals: dopamine, endorphin, serotonin, and oxytocin
Weekly practices designed to help you reduce stress and stay calm
Tools to help you keep your home meditation practice going
What to Expect:
This course is designed to be as stress-free and easy-to-maintain as possible.
All classes will be virtual, and self-directed. The week’s intro video, reading passages, and practice meditations will all be delivered by email on Mondays.
You’ll be expected to complete the week’s reading (estimated about 15-20 minutes or less), practice meditations daily (15 minutes per day), and complete additional homework (10 minutes) by the end of the week.
You will have access to all resources and meditations through Podia (using a password) and you can reach out to me any time via email at
While there is “homework” for this course, you will not be graded on it or required to submit it at all. The only one who can judge how you’re doing in this course is yourself, and as long as you’re putting in effort, I’m happy!
This course is designed for anyone who spends time during their busy life providing care to others, and who would like to find stillness through a meditation practice at home. My goal is to make meditation as accessible as possible and give you tools to stay calm and focused during the ups & downs of life.
In this course, we will:
Learn about the chemicals that make the brain happy: dopamine, endorphin, oxytocin, and serotonin, and discuss how they relate to the ups & downs of life
Discuss the benefits of meditation, including meditation’s effect on the “happy” brain chemicals listed above and the Default Mode Network
Learn how to stretch and use props to make sitting in meditation comfortable
Experience restorative yoga, breathing techniques, and a variety of meditations that are appropriate for those who are beginning to meditate or trying to establish a more consistent practice
Create an individualized plan to help you begin – and stick with – a home meditation practice
You will receive:
A guided yoga sequence to prepare your body for meditation
Four breathing techniques:
o Full Complete Breath
o 1:2 Breath
o Sitali/Sitkari Breath
o Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
Guided Relaxation & Meditation Techniques:
o Body Scan
o Compassion Meditation
o Emotional Resilience Meditation
o Five Finger Relaxation Technique
o Future Self
o Inner Smile
o Loving Kindness
o Meditation to Relax Your Body & Mind
o Positive Affirmations for a Happy Day
o Yoga Nidra
Lots of information on meditation and the “happy” brain chemicals: dopamine, endorphin, serotonin, and oxytocin
Weekly practices designed to help you reduce stress and stay calm
Tools to help you keep your home meditation practice going
What to Expect:
This course is designed to be as stress-free and easy-to-maintain as possible.
All classes will be virtual, and self-directed. The week’s intro video, reading passages, and practice meditations will all be delivered by email on Mondays.
You’ll be expected to complete the week’s reading (estimated about 15-20 minutes or less), practice meditations daily (15 minutes per day), and complete additional homework (10 minutes) by the end of the week.
You will have access to all resources and meditations through Podia (using a password) and you can reach out to me any time via email at
While there is “homework” for this course, you will not be graded on it or required to submit it at all. The only one who can judge how you’re doing in this course is yourself, and as long as you’re putting in effort, I’m happy!